
The Waiting is the Hardest Part- Embryo Transfer and waiting to see if we are pregnant

So its funny the things that you remember. You have to have a full bladder before the transfer- because it tilts the uterus just right or something- so I drank like a 44 ounce cup of water on the way to the hospital. I don't remember exactly but I think that they gave me something like a Valium or an Ativan to calm me down and then they brought me and my husband into the room to do the transfer. They told us at that point that we had 2 blastocysts and that they were graded at a "B" and a "C." My doctor asked if we wanted to transfer only one or both- I told him both without hesitation. I thought that if there were not "A" quality that if we put 2 in at least one would "take." So I was lying there having to pee like crazy and they let my husband - Mike- look through the microscope to see the little blastocysts that would hopefully become our children. They even took a picture which I attached to the previous entry.
They then placed a little rubber catheter into the opening of the uterus (cervix) and basically squirted the little critters into me. It was so fast. I was expecting to feel something "big" but really all I could think about was how bad I had to pee and how I didn't want to because I was afraid that I would pee the babies out!! They had my hips up on a pillow and wheeled me out into a waiting room and I had to lie there for about 30-60 minutes. I was freaking out because I had to pee so bad but wanted to hold it. Finally after the correct amount of time had passed they allowed me to go the bathroom on a bedpan. I remember thinking - even though I am a registered nurse and I "know" that it is physically impossible- but in my mind I really thought that I had "peed the babies out"- maybe it was the Valium. I didn't want to sit up and I definitely didn't want to walk or to stand up but I had to get to the car somehow- they wheeled me down to the car in a wheelchair and I quickly got into the car and laid down in the backseat. Again thinking that just standing up made the babies flop out. I was a wreck!!
When we got home I did not want to get up from the couch. I was so afraid that any movement would disturb the little guys from implanting. I just laid there thinking the worst but hoping for the best. They told me that I only needed 2 days of bed rest but I don't think that I got up for 3 days except to go to the bathroom. I also started on the progesterone shots which were quite literally a pain in the ass. At some point about 6 days after the transfer I started spotting- I thought that was it. I freaked out completely - I called the doctor and they assured me that it could be nothing- that it could be from the embryo implanting. When you have the procedure done they warn you against doing a home pregnancy test. They tell you that you go home and wait 9 days and then go in for a blood test to see if you are pregnant. That was the longest 9 days of my life. I was convinced that if hadn't worked because of the spotting that I had. So when the day came for the blood test I was expecting them to tell me that I was not pregnant.
I gave the blood in the morning and then went to work - I was working as a school nurse at a middle school at the time. I told them that I wanted them to call my husband with the results because I would rather hear the bad news from him than from a stranger. I got the call from Mike around lunchtime- I was pregnant and the "numbers" were pretty high which could mean that I had twins but we would have a sonogram to see at 5 weeks. I would continue on Progesterone shots daily and go in for weekly lab work to make sure that the pregnancy hormones were going up and the progesterone levels were right. So I was actually pregnant. I could not believe it. I was shocked- and so very very happy!!


daisy said...

Yeah! I am so glad you are posting again. It's great to hear from women who have been through the DE IVF process. I have your blog linked on my site. Can't wait to hear what happened after.

Anonymous said...

Your story is very comforting right now. I am on day 6 after my transfer and have to wait 6 MORE days before taking a pregnancy test at the doctor's office! I'm totally obsessing and it seems impossible to wait that much longer. Uh.... how did you get through it? It's our first cycle and we transfered two embryos and I just pray that this works. Any advice to chill out?

Unknown said...

I don't know what I can tell you to make it better. I know that was one of the most nerve wracking times of my entire life. I was convinced that I was not pregnant. I was spotting. I was cramping. I almost didn;t even bother to take the pregnancy test because I thought there was no way it was going to be positive.
I guess just remember- there is nothing that you can do to change the outcome at this point. It either worked or it didn't. I am the eternal pessimist. So I was getting myself ready for the worst news and preparing Plan B.
Just get your mind right- realize there is a chance that this will not work. Decide what you will do if the test is negative. Be ready for the worset case senerio- so when they tell you you are having twins it will be that much better!
Pray! I am not Catholic but my aunt is- she gave me a medallion to Saint Gerard. And I said novenas constantly. Don't know if it helped- but it made me feel better! http://www.saintgerard.com/stgerard.html

Anonymous said...

very useful article. I would love to follow you on twitter.

Anonymous said...

I started spotting on day 5 after egg transferal off a 3 day old fertailized egg with 8 cells, dunno what grade that is, only very light and a few hours. I got all excited thinking implantation, but then on day 6 I've been spotting lightly all day, no cramps tough. Started freaking out and finally after alot of googling found this page. You have given me hope. I pray it all works out for the best. Thankyou so much. either way.